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Friday, June 26, 2009

Good morning families!

Good morning everyone,
It is only 10am and so much has already happened. At 7am Murray, Beau and I went out to the woods to build the ceremonial fire for the girls on Pioneer Path. They arrived to the campfire area shortly after looking tired but very proud for what they had accomplished as a team. Murray spoke with them about the importance of what they had done together. I expressed to them the respect that I have for them for having faced the challenge of hiking out, undertaking team building and taking care of themselves and each other. They hiked in for breakfast and were welcome with loud applause from everyone. It was only 8:20am. After breakfast the campers returned to their cabins for clean-up and off to first activity. Of course, the campers and counselors from P.A.T.H. are treated to a shower and long nap. As I look out the window, I see campers from Buckaroos to Pioneers helping Kris (head of general sports) fill water balloons for an afternoon game of "dodge water balloons." It is always a very popular event. Of course, the campers helping fill balloons are enjoying getting wet themselves. It is a beautiful day and the lake is full of kayaks and canoes and of course, children swimming. If this morning is a sign of the kind of day we are going to have....I will be the happiest of all the campers. What a life we are leading here. Everyone should be so lucky. I hope your day is as fantastic as ours!
Diana, Murray and the gang

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